How did we ever survive without the Kardashians?

After the enlightening SIX-MINUTE instructional from Kourtney Kardashian this week, on a ‘life-changing’ method of eating a Kit Kat, (and really thank God, I’d been avoiding those fingery little devils like the plague, because I just wasn’t sure), I took a little step back in order to reflect.  I mean, for the most part, my entire everyday […]

Hi there 2016, what have you got for us?

So, we’re a week into 2016 already, and it feels like any other year, right? WRONG! This is the year that our collective brain is highly likely to melt out of our ears, creating something that closely resembles the primordial soup from which we came.  How do I know this? Drummond Puddle Watch What a time […]