International Women’s Day 2018

Happy VAGINA day wimmin’! Coz that’s basically all it is, innit? We just want to dominate men, take all their jobs, steal all their money and just like, be the boss of everything and rule the world. Right? *sighs*, Wrong. Well, it’s been quite a year for womankind, hasn’t it? #MeToo and #TimesUp are the […]

International Women’s Day 2017

Here I stand, proud possessor of boobs, saluting all great women everywhere. Past and present.  (Pssssst, just for the record, I also admire great men too, before y’all start freaking out.  It’s just that today is International Women’s Day, and that’s what I’m talking about).  How quickly time flies when you’re still fighting the good […]

International Women’s Day 2016

And so it rolls around again, and some of the men will get all upset that there’s a day for us poor, hysterical folk possessing of boobs and vaginas.  That we feel there’s a necessity to implement an International Women’s Day concerns them.  “But WHY?” we hear them wail in unison.  And it’s a good question.  Because, […]

Hi there 2016, what have you got for us?

So, we’re a week into 2016 already, and it feels like any other year, right? WRONG! This is the year that our collective brain is highly likely to melt out of our ears, creating something that closely resembles the primordial soup from which we came.  How do I know this? Drummond Puddle Watch What a time […]

Happy International Women’s Day!

OR: Wimmin, as I like to say. So, our baps ROCK! This we’ve already established, and also that they are on a similar scale to nuclear weapons, but in a really good way, and because of this have the potential to save the world.  But is that really so impressive?  So tell me really, what else is so bloody great […]